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Five traditional ways to prevent body odour

It is in times like this that we hope co-workers do not smell our body odor; one might even regularly stay away from people all day.
Body odor is an unpleasant smell produced by bacteria on the skin that break down the acids in your sweat. The medical term for body odor is bromhidrosis, and anyone who has reached puberty can produce body odor, as this is when the apocrine sweat glands, which produce the sweat that bacteria can quickly break down, develop.
Many people believe there are some who are born with bad body odor; a common Ghanaian assumption is that this happens when you are improperly bathed at birth.
Body odor affects both men and women. If you want to be odor-free, here some traditional remedies you can apply at home.
1.    The continuous application of lime/lemon 10 minutes every morning before bathing will help eliminate the odor completely.

The application of Lime can help eliminate body odor (
The application of Lime can help eliminate body odor (

2. Regular bathing should be an exercise you undertake daily.

Regular bathing will help eliminate body odor (
Regular bathing will help eliminate body odor (

3. Consistent intake of water may prevent dehydration and in turn prevents odor.

4. If ever you realize you have body odor use mild perfume to control the odor when it emanates.

The application of mild perfumes is essential (
The application of mild perfumes is essential (
5. Keep in mind to have the armpit/underarms usually dry. It helps remove body odor.
5. Keep in mind to have the armpit/underarms usually dry. It helps remove body odor.


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